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For Researcher

Korean Preventive Medicine

Korean Preventive Medicine
교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 예방의학교실 豫防醫學敎室 Dept. of Korean Preventive Medicine
Intro In the study of preventive medicine, we aim to develop practical methods for improving health through various ways in everyday life, and to suggest research directions and theories of securing longevity. We study fields of Qigong, environment industry & Korean Medicine, mental cultivation, epidemiology, etc., using Korean Medical methodology, for the advancement of health and knowledge on cause of disease, treatment and disease prevention for mankind.
What we do The objective of research is to develop means and Korean Medical methods to prevent disease and improve health, which are primary goals of medicine itself.

The department of preventive medicine is focused on therapeutic-preventive medical clinical experiments, cohort studies that verify causes of disease and evaluate the mediative effects of Korean Medicine, patient-based registry, and the management of the Institute of Safety, Efficacy and Effectiveness for Korean Medicine(ISEEKM) which deals with genome epidemiology combining molecular genomics and clinical epidemiology. It also manages the Laboratory of Clinical Biology and Pharmacogenomics, where cause of disease and treatment mechanism is approached with molecular biology, and Korean Medicinal Genomics, working under the premise that according to an individual's traits and constitution, response to treatment methods and medicinals are different are studied. The department strives to contribute to today's national public health. Currently, we are participating in the research of re-interpreting Korean Medicinals at the Cancer Research Center, aiming to link material for cancer treatment and prevention to clinical practice.

Details of research interests of the department is as following.

First, clinical epidemiology and genetic epidemiology where epidemiological, clinical epidemiology and molecular biological research on malignant tumor, brain stroke, cardiac disease, endocrine metabolic disease and preventive methods through nurturing and cultivation are investigated.

Second, the field of environmental industrial medicine, a branch of preventive medicine where environmental effects on health are investigated to verify causes of environment related diseases to help people live in a healthy environment.

Third, efficacy evaluation research for verification of Korean Medicinals in treating various diseases, considering their multi-component, multi-target trait, action mechanism research along with research in the field of Korean Medicinal Genetics focused on effectively treating and preventing disease according to individual constitution and symptom pattern diagnosis by applying the fact that the effects and toxicity of a given medicinal in the process of their absorption, distribution, metabolism, discharge, manifests differently according to constitution, disease pattern diagnosis or genetic tendency.

Fourth, the field of medical management and policy research, where the role of Korean Medicine and its plan to participate in the field of primary medicine and public medicine is studied. The position and role of Korean Medicine within the Public Health Medical Communication System and health insurance and its coverage increase is dealt with as well.

Fifth, various nurturing and cultivation methods of Korean Medicine, such as breathing technique, food hygiene, cultivation method through temperature and flavor balance of food, Qigong, Jing tonification, healthy eating, the meaning of nurturing and cultivation in the immunological sense and inter-relatedness with Jing and Qi, immunological effects of strengthening & tonifying medicinals that supplement Qi, Blood, Yang, Yin and Jing, cultivation methods according to the flow and ebb of Yin and Yang during seasonal changes, history of Qigong development, basic theory and various Qigong methods are researched to improve individual health and public health through Korean Medical cultivation.

Sixth, based on real-world data such as health insurance claims data, medical documents, patient registry, research for evaluation of the current situation of Korean Medicine and its efficacy and safety is undertaken.

Seventh, the field of evidence-based methodology for the application and advancement of evidence-based medicine of Korean Medicine such as systematic literature analysis, clinical diagnosis guideline
Prospects Korea has already entered the age of degenerative and man-made diseases since the 1980s. As such, the focus of medicine has also shifted to prevention from treatment. Therefore the role of the department of preventive medicine within the field of Korean Medicine which has a strong concept on preventive treatment is increasing.

The interest on Korean Medicine and Complementary and Alternative Medicine has been increasing for a long time, as can be seen in the fact that in 2018, the department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institute of Health received research funding of around 498 billion. That these researches are heading towards the direction of co-research between nations focusing on East Asian Medicine and others, the role of preventive medical research in Korean, who is a leading country in East Asian Medicine, is growing even more.
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