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For Researcher


교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 해부학교실 解剖學敎室 Dept. of Anatomy
Intro The Department of Anatomy, based on an understanding of the body structure, takes a central position in the education of basic medicine.

The first scholar to major in anatomy as a Korean Medicine doctor was professor Lee Hak-in, former professor at the Daegu Korean Medicine University. Graduate of Kyung Hee University, he worked as a research/teaching assistant at the Department of Anatomy at the Catholic University Medical School, then began teaching at the Kyung Hee Korean Medical School. He later went on to work at Daegu Korean Medical School before passing in 2004. In 1988 professor Son Nakwon became Daewoo Professor and created the Department of Anatomy, establishing an independent department within the college. Following the appointment of the BK21 project, professor Son's affiliation changed to the East-West Medicine Graduate School. His position as head of department was filled by professor Yu Jinhwa, a graduate of KHKMS who dedicated herself to the education and cultivation of students, after having worked in the department of anatomy at the college of medicine.

At present, members of the department are professors Jeong Hyeoksang, Son Youngju, Park Heejun, and Lee Hyangsuk. Professor Jeong began his professorship in 2003 following graduation of KHKMS and working as a research/teaching assistant, and has taught at various departments including Electromagnetic Informatics, Fine Arts, Physical Education, etc. Professor Son, also a graduate of KHKMS, pursued degrees in both clinical and basic departments. After completing her residency at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, she went on to acquire a doctorate at the department of anatomy. Currently her research interests are on metabolic diseases, osteoporosis and fractures, and medical education in which clinic and basic are integrated.

Professor Park is an international renowned scholar in meridian and acupuncture research, acting as head of the Kyung Hee University AMSRC(Acupuncture Meridian Scientific Research Center), leading the field of research through combining Traditional Korean Medicine and state-of-the-arts scientific techniques. To create new medical demand in preparation for the future medical industry, establishment of a scientific academic foundation in the field of meridian and acupoints is crucial for which convergence research with fields of neuroscience, immunology, informatics engineering, cognitive science and clinical medicine are being carried out.

Professor Lee is the first state-appointed head of the KMCRIC(Korean Medical Convergence Research Information Center), in which specialized research information on Korean Medicine and complementary and alternative medicine of both inside and outside the nation is collected and processed information based on evidence-based medical methodology is built into database. By creating a space for providing refined specialized information to researchers and for researchers to exchange information, it ultimately aims to improve research competency for researchers of Korean Medicine and related fields of Korea.

With the addition of Professor Park and Professor Lee to the department in 2018, combining research of physical structure-function with meridian-acupoints and acupuncture mechanism, the department is expanding its scope as the Department of Korean Medical Body Structure & Informatics.
What we do Korean Medical anatomy operates "to accurately understand Korean Medicine through structurally explaining Korean Medical theories which are focused on functional explanation." In research, it strives "to verify Korean Medical theories and to clarify medicinal mechanisms accordingly."

The department runs core courses on anatomy, histology, embryology, Korean Medical Informatics, and elective courses on Introduction to evidence-based Korean Medicine throughout preparatory and regular course periods. In the graduate program, advanced courses and interdisciplinary courses in the fields of anatomy, meridian and acupoints, informatics, histology and embryology are open in departments of Basic Korean Medical Science, Korean Medicine, Korean Medical Life Science, Medical Science of Meridians, to contribute to cultivating specialists.

Our scope of research includes but are not limited to standardization of body structure terminology, structure and function of meridian and acupoints, biomodulation mechanism of acupuncture treatment, basic-clinical convergence study in brain and chronic inflammatory diseases, organization of Practice Based Research Network(PBRN) to solve problems in the primary medical field and enhance evidence-based diagnosis and treatment and establishment of Korean Medical convergence research information network, osteoporosis and bone disease, Korean Medicinal mechanism for allergic diseases, body skin sensory convergence research, acupuncture mechanism of Gut-Brain-Axis based patient-centered chronic inflammation control, construction of standardized risk evaluation system for micro-fine dust, micro-fine dust induced disease control efficacy and mechanism of Korean Medicinal, etc.
Prospects In the field of histochemical, neuroanatomical and morphometrics research on the efficacy of Korean Medicinals and acupuncture, we condunct research on bone disease such as osteoporosis and fracture, and anti-allergic material medicinal and steroid side effects. In research based on basic theories of Korean Medicine, we work on establishment and historical research on body part terminology, historical achievements and contemporary application of anatomy, building an integrative body perspective of function and structure through restoration of the anatomical process of East Asia, historical research on acupoint position through contemporary anatomy. Also, research on smart wearables through body skin sensors are currently being undertaken as well.
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