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For Researcher

Medical History

Medical History
교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 의사학교실 醫史學敎室 Dept. of Medical History
Intro The department of Medical History systematically examines various aspects of the history of Korean East Asian Medicine, such as its doctors, literature, theories, schools, treatment techniques, medical culture, medical controversies, etc. East Asian Medicine of Korea, which has been responsible for managing the health of the Korean people, has been the backdrop against which people think and live. The department of Medical History has been studying such contents that become the spiritual foundation, to provide basis for future medicine. Furthermore, we look at Korean Medical history alongside other histories of medicine, such as China, Japan, India and other parts of East Asia, the West, and the Middle East, to help understand the flow of medicine worldwide.
What we do 1) Studies to understand East Asian Medicine of Korean within the context of East Asian Medical History
2) Studies to understand the Korean Medicine system based on the representative text, Donguibogam
3) Contemporary Korean Medicine has changed, for better or for worse, under the influence of Western Medicine. It is the ultimate goal of the department to lend a historical view as to where Korean Medicine will further advance.
4) We aim to understand the medical system and its roots by studying masters' thoughts of both China and Korea, and to suggest a path for further development in medicine.
Prospects At the beginning of the 20th century, much of East Asian traditions and culture was destroyed and replaced by colonizers of the West. In this process, Korean Medicine also underwent distortion and partial destruction. However, from today's viewpoint, Western Medicine has revealed many of its limitations, calling for East Asian Medicine-known for being holistic and communicative with nature- to play a new role in the global market.

Korean Medicine is an independent field of study that has continuously developed through constantly maintaining its internal logic throughout history. As such, it cannot be easily judged by Western Medical standards, and requires its principles and practical efficacy to be examined by its own system of logic. From this perspective, it is important to examine the development process of medicine from a Korean Medical point of view, and to re-interpret them with contemporary sensitivity, an important role of Medical History.
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