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For Researcher


교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 생화학교실 生化學敎室 Department of Biochemistry
Intro In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, life phenomena of biological entities including animals, plants and microorganisms are studied in the molecular level. Our research focus lies in themes that are directly linked to the health of mankind, and discovering new facts to ultimately advance the fields of medicine, pharmacology and general life sciences. In addition, we aim to scientifically and systematically prove the efficacy of Korean Medicine, while examining new effects of medicinals.
What we do 1) We conduct research on gene expression control mechanism in the human body and bacteria. Enzymatic activity of characteristic and structures of proteins as final product of various gene expressions are studied as well.
2) We use latest research methodology in disease interpretation, and establish a collective concept.
3) We study cells and signaling.
4) Researches that allow for molecular understanding of the immune system related to disease
5) Molecular biological understanding of cancer induction mechanism
6) Research on genetic disease and acquired disease
Prospects 1) Biochemical interpretation of the mechanism of Korean Medicinals
2) Biochemical understanding of cause, course, treatment, and prevention of disease
3) Quick response to rapidly changing medical and biochemical knowledge of life and disease phenomena.
4) Contribution to the development of a third medicine through connectivity with related fields of study
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