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For Researcher


교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 약리학교실 藥理學敎室 Dept. of Korean Pharmacol
Intro Pharmacology is a field of science which belongs to Basic science of Korean medicine. It studies the effect of drugs and the body’s reaction to drugs. The final goal of pharmacology is to fully utilize drugs for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, thus it is also closely related to clinical Korean Medicine. The Department of Pharmacology studies the effect, mechanism of action and pharmacodynamics of clinically used herbal medicines.
What we do The Department of Pharmacology studies the effect, mechanism of action and pharmacodynamics of herbal medicines and multi therapeutics in Korean medicine to nurture next generation researchers and increase clinical application of Korean medicine. Especially, we focus on comorbidities of cancer, metabolic diseases, immune diseases and incurable diseases which are frequently observed in contemporary society. Through our effort, we aim to establish a novel Western-Korean medicine convergence theory, discover diagnostic factors of convergence science in Korean medicine and provide evidence for personalized herbal medicine.
Prospects 1) Study on inter-relationship and between associated diseases and their mechanisms
2) Establishment of Western-Korean Medicine convergence theories based on literature and research databases
3) Discovery of diagnostic factors of convergence science in Korean Medicine through analysis of factors and mechanisms of co-morbidity diseases
4) Pharmacotoxicology and pharmacodynamic studies of herbal medicines
5) Translational research of Korean Medicine based on Western-Korean Medicine convergence theories
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