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About School

Education Goal

Mission Statement for Kyung Hee Korean Medical School (KHKMS)
Mission Statement for Kyung Hee Korean Medical School (KHKMS)
A. Education Educating global leaders with good hearts who are competent in basic-clinical integration
B. Research Development of new medical technology and creative integrative research based on Korean Medicine
C. Social Contribution Contribution to society's health and harmony through the Humanitas Ethos

Education Goal for KHKMS
Education Goal for KHKMS
A. Education Students with global competence for basic-clinical Integration with Communicative and Innovative Minds
B. Research Students who are able to perform integrative research based on Korean Medical tradition & Problem-solvers who are able to create new medical technology based on scientific thinking
C. Social Contribution Humanitas leaders with good hearts who follow their social duty in national and international public health

Graduation Outcome
Graduation Outcome
Graduation Outcome Details

1. Korean Medicine Doctors who are capable of integrative thinking, and are able to treat and prevent disease holistically

1.1. Application of medical knowledge based on basic principles of Korean Medicine
Diagnosis 1.2. Diagnostic Technique
1.3. Medical Deduction
Treatment 1.4. Treatment Technique
1.5. Problem Solving

2. Creative Korean Medicine Doctors who seek the truth

2.1. Critical understanding of medical knowledge
2.2. Competency for medical research

3. Korean Medicine Doctors that are able to cooperate and communicate with the world

3.1. Communication with the patient
3.2. Cooperative medicine with other health professions
3.3. Medical management
3.4. Health improvement and prevention in local communities and global health

4. Professional Korean Medicine Doctors that abide by the code of ethics

4.1. Compliance with medical ethics
4.2. Compliance with research ethics
4.3. Law and institution
4.4. Patient safety liability
4.5. Self-directed learning and reflection
4.6. Social duty and volunteer work