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For Researcher


교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
name 생리학교실 生理學敎室 Dept.of Physiology
intro As a foundation of East Asian medicine that studies the physiology of the human body, we look at each Viscera's inter-relationships and study their functions based on fundamental analysis of life phenomena.
what we do 1) Research on the function and mechanism of bodily constituents, Jing(Essence), Shen(Spirit), Qi(Qi), Xue(Blood)
2) Research on systematic inter-relatedness between each body part and Five Viscera, and its validity based on the Five Viscera functions
3) Correlation research of the Six Qi changes and the body
4) In-depth understanding of the Five Circuit Theory and study of its scientific validity
5) Research on the inner and outer body's adapting process to environmental change and its phenomena
prospects 1) Re-interpretation of the embryological process and its Korean Medical understanding
2) Research on movement of matter, excitement and transmission, and fluids within the body system for observation of life phenomena
3) Establishment of basic theories of Korean Medicine by studying various life functions of the human body
4) Pursuit of a Third Medicine that encompasses organic theory and medicine of both East and West5) Correlation research between mental phenomena and bodily function and constitution characteristics
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