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For Researcher


교실 이름, 특징, 전망, 담당 교수 소개
Name 병리학교실 病理學敎室 Dept. of Korean Pathology
Intro We study ways of analyzing patients' symptoms and disease through Korean Medical theories on cause of illness, etiology, and pattern identification. Moreover, we teach students how to use contemproary diagnostic tools and study animal models for Korean Medical disease and pattern identification diagnosis.
What we do 1) We use an inductive method to analyze Korean Medical disease from classical literature such as the Huangdineijing, Nanjing, Shanghanlun, etc.
2) We present methods for disease analysis from a Korean Medical perspective.
3) We determine the types of pattern identification which are the results of disease analysis.
4) We present the animal models of pattern identification.
5) We present potential application of medical devices to the process of pattern identification.
6) We adopt state of the arts experiment techniques and seek ways of applying them from a Korean Medical perspective.
Prospects 1) Standardization of diagnosis by organizing a pattern identification system
2) Creating animal models of pattern identification
3) Objectification of pattern identification by using medical devices
4) Exploring cancer treatment with Korean Medical treatment
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