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For Student

Department of Korean Medicine

  • Degrees : Master of Korean Medicine, Doctor of Korean Medicine
  • Office : Space21 Korean Medicine Building, Suite 158
  • TEL : 02)961-0328
  • FAX : 02)961-9505
  • E-Mail : hani0328@khu.ac.kr
  • Website : http://kmc.khu.ac.kr/
Education Goal

Korean Medicine, which is founded on harmony between nature and mankind, is a field of medicine that has progressed by adopting the methodology of East Asian philosophy throughout Korean history. The graduate program is available in Master's and Doctorate, each program designed to enable its students to do in-depth research that will contribute to healthcare worldwide.

Research Area and Outline
Research Area Outline
Korean Medical Classics The field of Korean Medical Classics studies various classical literature on East Asian Medicine such as the Huangdineijing and Shanghanlun in which various contents on the Zhangfu and Meridian based on theories of Yin-Yang and the Five Phases could be found, to provide foundation for development of new theories in Korean Medicine through their re-interpretation according to contemporary thinking and language. Therefore, research in the department of Korean Medical Classics has been focused on understanding the Huangdineijing and the Shanghanlun thoroughly, organizing basic concepts that could lead to development of new theories. Future directions of research are 1) translation and annotation for the Huangdineijing and Shanghanlun, 2) publication of a dictionary of Korean Medicine, 3) interdisciplinary research with clinical sectors and various specialized fields of study related to Korean Medical Classics
Medical History The department of Medical History systematically examines various aspects of the history of Korean East Asian Medicine, such as its doctors, literature, theories, schools, treatment techniques, medical culture, medical controversies, etc. East Asian Medicine of Korea, which has been responsible for managing the health of the Korean people, has been the backdrop against which people think and live. The department of Medical History has been studying such contents that become the spiritual foundation, to provide basis for future medicine. Furthermore, we look at Korean Medical history alongside other histories of medicine, such as China, Japan, India and other parts of East Asia, the West, and the Middle East, to help understand the flow of medicine worldwide.
Physiology As a foundation of East Asian medicine that studies the physiology of the human body, we look at each Viscera's inter-relationships and study their functions based on fundamental analysis of life phenomena.
Pathology We research methodology for analyzing patients' symptoms and disease through Korean Medical etiology, disease mechanism, and diagnosis.
Meridian & Acupoints We organize various principles and theories of meridians and acupoints based on Korean Medical Classics such as the Huangdineijing, along with researches that aim to expand clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion. In addition, we aim for the generalization, objectification, and modernization of clinical acupuncture through experimental research on basic principles of meridians and acupoints and various treatment methods.
Herbology In herbology, we study the origin, nature and form, emotion, effect, clinical and other applications of animal, plant and mineral medicinals that are raw materials for formulas. In particular, we focus on the study of Qi and Flavor Theory which is the pharmacological foundation of Korean Medicine, through examining the origins and effects of medicinals written in classics of material medica such as the Shennongbencaojing, Xinxiubencao, Zhenleibencao, Bencaogangmu, and the Donguibogam. Experimental research on pharmacological action and mechanism of medicinals to interpret classical principles and to develop new pharmacological actions are of focus.
Prescriptionology Prescription is part of the theoretical process of 'principle-law-prescription-medicine', wherein the patient's symptoms are differentiated and diagnosed in search of their cause, after which appropriate medicinals are properly mixed according to the combination principle. Therefore, prescriptionology serves as the basic foundation for each clinical field, in which treatment methods, prescription principles and their clinical application are thoroughly examined and studied.
Preventive Medicine In the study of preventive medicine, we aim to develop practical methods for improving health through various ways in everyday life, and to suggest research directions and theories of securing longevity. We study fields of Qigong, environment industry & Korean Medicine, mental cultivation, epidemiology, etc., using Korean Medical methodology, for the advancement of health and knowledge on cause of disease, treatment and disease prevention for mankind.
Pharmacology The field of pharmacology examines changes in bodily phenomena caused by medicinals. As such, while it is part of the basic departments, its final objective lies in the proper application of medicinals in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, linking it closely to the clinical sector. In our department, we study in-depth the functional mechanism of medicinals that are being used in the clinic.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, life phenomena of biological entities including animals, plants and microorganisms are studied in the molecular level. Our research focus lies in themes that are directly linked to the health of mankind, and discovering new facts to ultimately advance the fields of medicine, pharmacology and general life sciences. In addition, we aim to scientifically and systematically prove the efficacy of Korean Medicine, while examining new effects of medicinals.
Anatomy In the department of anatomy, the underlying principle of the understanding of the structure of the human body, its application and names of structures are compared with contents in the medical classics. The fields of embryology, anatomical histology and neural anatomy are studied.
Convergence Korean Medical Science Based on Korean Medicine, academic exchanges with fields of advanced science technology(6T; IT, BT, NT, ET, ST, CT) and humanities/social sciences/arts are promoted to develop an integrative medicine that encompasses researches in basic/clinic/application/policy, transcending the boundaries of academic divisions. We aim to cultivate students with creativity and ability for integration to lead the medical system of the next generation.